• You want to give your hair about 2-3 weeks to grow out. This will allow all your hair to grow out long enough to be waxed, assuring you will walk out with completely smooth skin

  • Waxing does come with a little pain but it is not unbearable. We do use a wax that doesn’t tug your skin at all and our technique minimizes pain as well. A couple tips to make your wax more comfortable are: avoid alcohol or caffeine the morning of your wax, exfoliate the night before, you can take Tylenol 20 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment. Your waxer will help you get through the service with techniques we know are helpful at maximizing your comfort.

  • The exact opposite will happen. When waxing you will notice your hair grow back slower and thinner. When you are consistent with your wax schedule you will notice less and less hair will grow back.

  • Absolutely! Grooming your bikini area should not have to be a struggle. Wax specialist are trained in making your wax as comfortable as possible and what positions are easier for a mommy to be. The amount of sensitivity does change during the first trimester and last trimester for some but it still is bearable.

  • Yes. We can wax you while you are on your cycle. We do have wipes and tampons available in the suite so you can freshen up before your service. Some women do not feel comfortable getting waxed and that’s ok too just make sure you reschedule the day before your wax appointment.

Please call us with any questions!